Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Newsboy Update

Well, I got all my brown Newsboys done, and I talked my sister into modeling one for me earlier this month.  The pictures turned out really great, in my opinion.  I just love the way Becca's hair and coloring and warm smile combine with the cap and the evergreen tree behind her to make a setting that is just so much fun.

Here, I'll show you what I mean:


On another note, I'm working on a red variegated newsboy cap for the same customer that ordered the red cap that I talked about in this post.  I found some Peaches & Creme yarn that I liked, and since I'd heard that Pisgah was going out of business, I went ahead and ordered a whole bunch of my favorite Peaches & Creme colors, along with some of the variegated red for the cap.  When the order arrived, there was a note with the information that Pisgah had been acquired by Spinrite, and that Spinrite was in the process of analyzing what products would continue to stay in the Pisgah line.  Then it referred me to the Lily's Sugar and Cream website to look at the offerings there.  I'm just wondering if any of you have heard definitively one way or the other whether or not the Peaches & Creme cotton balls and cones are going to be continued.  The thing is, as far as the quality of yarn, I haven't noticed a whole lot of difference between the Peaches & Creme and the Sugar and Cream offerings.  BUT, I like the color selections in the Peaches & Creme much more. 

Anyone heard anything? 

I'm linking to:


  1. You're right, the pictures are excellent. You're lucky to have such a good model in the family!

  2. aww they are nice photos!! Your sister looks so happy and that hat really suits her!!

  3. The hats look fab and I have not heard anything regarding the PnC deal.

  4. I mostly buy Sugars N Creme because it's easier to get around here it seems, but I agree that I like the brighter, non-pastels of Peaches better. Let us know if you find anything out about it!

    The hat looks fabulous on your sister!

  5. Love the hat and your sister is a great model! I hadn't heard about Pisgah and it will be interesting to see where that all leads.
