It was hands-down, the best moment of Christmas!
SO, you wanna know how I made these fine specimens of trousers? Well, okay then!
Here's my rough and tumble pattern:
Use Crochet Hook Size G
Make 64 Granny Squares consisting of five rounds
(The granny squares are made using groups of three dc)
Rnd 1&2, same color
Rnd 3: different color
Rnd 4: different color
Rnd 5: Black (or other constant color if chosen)--leave a tail for later whipstitching.
When time to assemble, make three rows of three squares for calf area, then two rows of four squares for thigh area. Do this twice, once for each leg.
Whipstitch together seven squares in a circle (do this twice). Whipstitch one of these 7-square circles around top of two legs, whipstitching the leg holes to eachother where indicated.
Whipstitch the other 7-square circles to the top of the first 7-square circle.
For Casing and Drawstring: Make a row of triple crochets around top of last 7-square circle. When complete, fold over and stitch to bottom of round 5s on each square (casing made).
Make a drawstring by chaining the appropriate amount (175 chains works well) and then slip stitching into each chain. thread drawstring through casing.
Still unbelievable! Love them and Eric.