(This is of course after I've donated unheard amounts of money to worthy causes, accounted for the education of our children and grandchildren, and done enough good in the world that I feel justified in being this frivolous.)
I want to buy a yellow volkswagen bug. They are so cute, and completely useless for my needs. They don't carry much in the way of passengers or cargo, and just looking at them, I have a feeling they aren't all that safe. So, I'd have to have another car to meet all my real needs in addition to this toy. That's why this is something that will wait until the far off day when I have money to burn. Won't it be fun though?

I want to buy expensive yarn. I know, how nerdy, huh? I'm a Red Heart girl. It's $2 for 8 oz in my local market. Sometimes I splurge and buy the Caron Super Soft stuff. It's $2.65 for 6 oz. Actually, now, it's called Eco Soft. That's because every skein has over 1/2 of a 2-liter plastic bottle recycled in the mix. So, basically, my little girl's baby blanket saved three or four 2-liter bottles from the landfill. Impressive, huh?
Anyway, back to my frivolity . . .
I was recently approached by a fellow etsy-er. She liked one of the scarves in my shop, and asked me if I would make her one, using her yarn. I agreed. She mailed me the yarn, and over the weekend I started work on her scarf. How fun that has been! Her yarn is mostly 100% wool and much of it is imported from Italy or England. It is quality stuff, and having never worked with nice yarn before, I wasn't prepared for the difference it would make. The scarf is working up beautifully, and I'm really enjoying the feel of the yarn between my fingers.
Now, I'm not enjoying the feel enough to want to spend six to seven (to ten) times more on yarn than I currently do. However, If I had more money than I knew what do to with . . .

Well, you get the idea.
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