Since I have been trying a few new things recently, I thought I'd participate. So, here we go:
No picture on this one, but not long ago, I put together a proto-type of a convertible fingerless glove/mitten so that I could have access to my i-pod touch screen when I exercise in the cold weather. To my joy, I used it this week and it worked like a charm!
However, it is one UUUUGLYYYY little glove, and I only made one (since I only need to touch the i-pod screen with one hand). So, no picture yet. Still, I'm really pleased with the function. Perhaps at some point I'll get some more made up (prettier) and list them in the etsy shop. Only time will tell.
And, since I need a picture to use to link up with Melissa's party, I'm going to count the baby afghan that I posted about a few weeks ago. Sure, I didn't try it (new) this week, but I did figure out this week how to make it a little better and get a few pesky lines that were bugging me to fall into place a little better. So I'm counting it. No new photo though. So, here's the same one, one more time.