It's been frigidly cold here lately. Like, -15 degrees in the mornings, and 1 to 2 degrees as the high for the day. It's rough, but at least I work indoors, and can turn up the heat. The husband of one of my closest friends is an arborist, and he works outside, up in trees, starting at the crack of dawn and often not finishing until after dark. He
freezes. So, a bit ago, when his wife was describing to me the litany of clothes that he wears every day, I decided that he absolutely needed a beard beanie.
So I made him one.
*Note: I don't sell these. That's because the pattern I use is copyrighted, and was written and given to me by a friend who happens to make beanies like these for her livelihood. She gave me the pattern with the understanding that I can make them as gifts, but not as merchandise for sale. (in case you are wondering, I'm thrilled with this arrangement.) Anyway, if you're dying for one of these hats, may I recommend her websites here and here?
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