If you happen to click on this link right here, you will be taken to "Trapped Between a Scream and a Hug", a blog put together and maintained by Rachel Sue. She writes about all kinds of things, from gardening, to her four kids and the funny things they say and do, to being sick, to books, to buying Frosty Floats and eating them in the car so you don't get caught and have to share.
But, TODAY she is writing about yours truly.
(This picture was taken back in the days when I used to let my little girl play with my yarn. Let's just say that experience is a brutal teacher and those days are long long gone.)
Well, okay, if you must know, she's mainly writing about crocheted hats made by yours truly.
In addition to writing about my little hat-and-other-crocheted-things venture, she's hosting a giveaway. And it's not just any giveaway either. Basically, if you win, you can get any one item in my shop priced $40 or less for absolutely free. To give you an idea of what that means, basically right now I have 49 things in my shop. Only three of them cost more than $40. So, it's a pretty good deal, don't you think?
It's also my first time being "plugged" by an outside source. So, I'm more than a little curious to see what happens.
Ya know?
A bit of fun:
I had a glorious Saturday. The little one, Eric and I all slept in until 8:30. Life was good. I didn't get out of my pajamas until 10:30. After that I did a little cleaning (with peppy tunes of course), did a little organizing, and did a lot of playing (with my daughter).
When I finally did get dressed, I chose to wear my favorite turtleneck that I bought at a thrift store at least ten years ago. It's olive green, ribbed, Eddie Bauer, and (unfortunately) has an un-removable stain right in the front. I covered the stain up with the black obnoxious Hawaiian shirt that I bought (again at a thrift store) for Eric to wear to our friends Hawaii 5-0 birthday party last fall. (Eric wore it that night and refused to wear it again. It's mine now.) A pair of gray jeans belonging to Eric completed the outfit. Keep in mind that I am an inch or two taller than Eric.
I was looking gooood.
I went through my day, catching up on this, puttering around that. I made Christmas tamales (since I didn't get around to that at Christmastime this year). I even went to the grocery store in my Saturday finery, picking up salsa, tortillas, Diet Pepsi (caffeinated for Eric, caffeine-free for me) and a six-month supply of white flour.
When my little girl woke up from her nap, I had just gotten all the tamales in the steaming pot, and was cleaning up the mess in the kitchen. She was crabby, as is sometimes the case after a nice long nap. So, I let the dishes sit in the sink for awhile, and I picked her up, and we danced around the kitchen, into the living room, and back to the kitchen over and over and over again, all the while listening and singing along to "Beyond the Sea" by Kevin Spacey pretending to be Bobby Darin*.
Eric laughed at us, and we laughed at him, and it was one of those moments that I want to keep in my heart forever.
The best moment of a really exceptionally good day.
*Eric downloaded the whole soundtrack to "Beyond the Sea" for me for Christmas. I love it. Really. I love love love it.